What makes Grace Lane a good choice for me?
Grace Lane is a great choice for any individual or family wanting help refining their financial life goals, developing a plan around those goals, and putting the plan into play. The client experience is wrapped around three core ideals.
- Hometown Feel: Grace Lane reminds us of the small towns where we were raised, where everyone knew our names and genuinely cared about us. Grace Lane is where we first began to dream about what we really wanted out of life. Grace Lane is where we learned how to ‘go for it’ while our communities kept us safe. Grace Lane is where we were scooped up and hugged tight, no matter what sort of mess we created. This is our culture, unapologetically. We will hug your neck and call you by your first name.
- Process Driven: Over the years we have developed processes designed to keep your plan on track and on time. It is key to success. Therefore, we expect all of our clients to engage in that process and cooperate with our team in the development and execution of your plan.
- Fact Based: There are many elements to the information that is needed to make any financial life decision. Some elements are economic, while others are based on your principles and feelings. All elements are important for making wise and confident decisions, though at Grace Lane, no financial decision is ever made without a thorough investigation of the factual economic impact of that decision.
To further ascertain if Grace Lane is a good fit for you, learn more about what we do and the type of people we are proud to help.

Do I have to live in Austin to work with you?
Considering the advancement of communications technology, it is not necessary for you to live in the Austin area in order to engage Grace Lane. We have clients in many parts of the United States. We offer in-person meetings in our Austin and San Antonio offices and virtual meetings for wherever you are. If we are not already in your state, we will meet any licensing requirements needed to serve you there.

What are your fees?
At Grace Lane, we offer two options. You may choose a fee-only option, for which the fee is calculated as 1% of your household income adjusted for any complexities that might be unique to your plan. Your planning fee may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
The second option is a fee based on the assets that we manage. Your fees are deducted directly from your investment account every quarter. Currently our asset-based fees could range from 0.3% to 1.3% in total, depending on the amount of assets you have on our platform.

Do you offer fee-only planning?
Yes, if you would prefer to manage your own investment assets, you may engage Grace Lane by paying a financial planning fee each year. Generally, the fee is calculated as 1% of your household income adjusted for any complexities that might be unique to your plan. Your planning fee may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

What is a CPA*/PFS?
A Personal Financial Specialist is a specialty credential for CPAs who are expert at helping individuals with all aspects of wealth management. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) grants the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential only to certified public accountants (CPA) with significant personal financial planning education and experience. Individuals pursue the PFS credential because they want to display their expertise and knowledge as it relates to all aspects of financial planning.
*Licensed but not practicing on behalf of MassMutual or MML Investors Services, LLC or its affiliated companies.

What is a Certified Life Centered Planner?
The Life-Centered Financial Planning graduate certificate program administered by the Texas Tech University Department of Personal Financial Planning consists of a set of courses focused on financial life planning that teach deeper knowledge of key relationship-building and discovery skills as well as financial behavior and counseling approaches to forge stronger and more vibrant client relationships.

Are you fiduciary?
As financial planners, we are held to the highest standard of care, that all strategies and advice be in the clients’ best interests. We are held to the fiduciary standard.

How often will we meet?
The number of meetings we have with our clients varies from year-to-year depending on the number of action items that we are working on. The action items are birthed out of our annual financial life plan update meeting that occurs on or about your anniversary with Grace Lane each year.

I’m ready to start. What is my first step?
We are excited to get you started. Please head to our Contact page, where you can send us an email or call to schedule an introductory meeting. We’ll set aside some time to have that initial discussion where we learn a little about you, and take a moment to share a bit more about how we work.